10. People who think Shioya Shun's acting in Hurricanger was top notch
Just kidding, nobody thinks this.
9. People who get very upset if you call Super Sentai "Power Rangers"
Okay, we've all met that person who looks at our Sentai videos and exclaims "it's Power Rangers!" Maybe you've even taken the time to explain the difference. But this particular kind of fan goes far beyond that into straitjacket territory. It's as if they have some kind of radar that lets them know whenever anyone has uttered the words "Super Sentai" and "Power Rangers" in the same sentence. Don't believe me? Pick a Sentai video on Youtube - any Sentai video on Youtube - and you will find them, making sure everyone there knows that a) Super Sentai is better than Power Rangers, okay, and b) they've seen Zyuranger.
8. People who know what Metal Heroes is
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Worst Kamen Rider costume ever. |
7. Male idols angling for a part in Kamen Rider
After witnessing what Kamen Rider has done for the careers of the likes of Odagiri Joe, Kaname Jun and Sato Takeru, there are plenty of male idols after a bit of that spotlight. But when you're up against so many other guys in the auditions, how do you make yourself stand out?
I know! Post constantly on your blog about how much you love the series! Post pics of yourself fondling or licking Kamen Rider figures! If one of your friends is lucky enough to get himself a part, then start trailing him around the set for hours - and then post pictures of that to your blog too (perhaps after cropping out your now ex-friend's annoyed grimace)! You're on the right track now!
6. People who take suit actors very seriously
Quick, tell me who performed the suit acting for NinjaBlack! And what colour underwear he wore on his first day! If you can't tell me within five seconds then we can't be friends anymore. Or at least, that's the kind of attitude you can expect to get from number six. While lots of us have particular suit actors who we admire or enjoy watching, there's a line, and that line is a dot in the far distance to these people. As far as they're concerned, tokusatsu is all about the suit acting; heck, you might actually manage to surprise one of them if you point out there are parts of the show where nobody's even wearing a suit.
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Oppressed. |
It's a funny coincidence that this comes in at number five, because worldwide there are only about five people who watch Ultraman. But they are loud. From listening to the way these fans talk, you'd imagine that The Man (read: Toei) has been keeping Ultraman down since the dawn of man. Sure, it's annoying when you love something and nobody else is interested, but Mebius didn't get the praise and accolades you think it deserved because it wasn't all that, not because there's a great Toei conspiracy to keep the huge alien man down.
4. People who will only watch Toei productions
The natural enemy of a disgruntled Ultraman fan, number four is a more common creature. Behold the magnificent beast as it stalks through the message boards and LiveJournals of its peers; the look of blank disdain and slight worry on its features as it stumbles across a discussion of the Tomica Hero franchise. Then, with bright eyes, it discovers its prey hiding in the tall grass: the Takara fanboy.
3. People who think everything after 2001 was crap
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Well, it's okay, but it's no J. |
2. Sexually frustrated housewives
Picture the scene: it's a Sunday morning and your husband's either working overtime at the office (again) or having the only lie-in he gets all week (again). And now your four year old wants you to watch his kid shows with him. But what's this? You weren't aware he'd started watching shows about pretty young men on motorbikes! Is that young man seriously wearing tight leather pants? Hallelujah!
Seriously, look at the audience for a Kamen Rider event some time. Half the kids only came because their mothers dragged them.
1. Japanese children
Well, they are the intended audience after all, no matter how much we'd all like to forget their existence. Stupid kids, ruining our kid's shows.
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the "W IS THE BEST SERIES EVER, YOU SHOWAFAGS HAVE SHIT TASTE FAIZ SUCKS" people as well--although you could group them with the "HEISEI IS TERRIBAD YOUR TASTE IS SHIT" people as well.
ReplyDeleteLet me get English studenty at you about how deep and philosophical it is. The themes, man, the themes.
Hi, I'm a #8, and how dare you not know what Metal Hero is, heathen. Kukuku. XD
ReplyDeleteI think I fall under #4 - I've only watched a few Sentai series and every Heisei Kamen Rider. And like one episode of Juukou B-Fighter. :P
ReplyDeleteand dont even start mentioning "Zaido" around these tokufans..OOOoops!!!
ReplyDeleteTofubeast, these days it's "W is overrateddddd" instead of "W IS THE BEST SERIES EVERRR"
ReplyDeletewhat? I still think W is one of the better KR entries. It's getting two V-Cinemas! :o
ReplyDeleteI actually wasn't hugely into W, but I'm not going to complain about it on some stupid forum! I just watch the shows I do like. I generally try and stay away from toku forums now because I don't see why if you were a fan of something you'd hate most of it more than everyone else! Me not liking a show is relatively rare. Even Yami wo Terasu Mono grew on me.
ReplyDeleteWhats wrong with showa? I like both eras, and i was blrn way after the showa era. My favorit kamen rider of all is takeshi hongo(ichigo)